Health & Wellness

Article | Health & Wellness | February 26, 2021

2 Minute Read

5 Tips For Healthier Skin

Weather changes throughout the year can be tough on our skin and seniors are more at risk to develop skin-related conditions like Eczema and Seborrheic dermatitis, both of which can cause itchy irritated skin. Here are a few ways to help combat dry, irritated skin. 5 Winter Skin Care Tips for Seniors 1. Create a… Read More

Article | Health & Wellness | February 15, 2021

3 Minute Read

Flexing Your Mind: 7 Exercises for Continued Brain Health

Flexing Your Mind: 7 Exercises for Continued Brain Health and Congintive Function Brain health is a complex topic. By oversimplifying the issue, brain function is basically as important as physical health when it comes to an aging mind. And because the brain is one of the most important muscles of the body, it needs to… Read More

Article | Health & Wellness | February 1, 2021

2 Minute Read

Focus On Fitness In 2023

Focus on Fitness in 2023: Benefits and Ways To Improve Your Overall Health By age 75, one in three men and one in two women do not engage in any physical activity. This lack of physical activity can lead to all sorts of conditions ranging from heart disease to a lack of sleep. Benefits of… Read More

Article | Health & Wellness | January 25, 2021

2 Minute Read

What You Need To Know About The COVID-19 Vaccine

What You Need To Know About the COVID-19 Vaccine: Information, Safety and Efficacy Most everyone spent 2020 being concerned about the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. But as we enter the new year, hope is on the horizon with the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine. Here’s everything you need to know about the vaccine and… Read More

Article | Health & Wellness | January 15, 2021

2 Minute Read

Why 2023 Might Be The Year To Consider A Senior Living Community

Is 2023 the Year for Senior Living? Exploring the Benefits of Community Living Just like that, another year has come to a close. And for a variety of reasons, many are looking forward to a more positive, healthier 2021. Reflecting on 2020 and looking forward to 2021 might be the perfect time to consider a… Read More

Article | Health & Wellness | January 8, 2021

3 Minute Read

4 Resolutions For The New Year

New Year, New You: 4 Resolutions to Embrace in the Coming Year A new year is here and with it, the tradition of New Year’s resolutions. Even if you aren’t a person who makes New Year’s resolutions, the beginning of a new year is the perfect time to assess if there are any goals or… Read More