Tips & Tricks

Article | Tips & Tricks | May 15, 2024

9 Minute Read

Essential Home Safety for Older Adults

Imagine your loved one, comfortable and confident in their own home. They can navigate their living space with ease, engaging in the activities they cherish. This feeling of security is priceless, and creating a safe haven in their familiar surroundings is achievable. To obtain this sense of security, it’s essential to address the challenges of… Read More

Article | Tips & Tricks | February 28, 2024

10 Minute Read

Fall Prevention: 4 Fall Safety Tips Everyone Should Know

Staying active and independent is what we all want, at every age. But an injury from a fall can jeopardize our health and happiness. Every year, over 3 million older adults are treated in emergency departments for injuries because of a fall. Before it happens to you or your loved one, put fall prevention strategies… Read More

Article | Tips & Tricks | February 14, 2024

11 Minute Read

5 Elder Fraud Protection Tips

If there’s one thing more certain than taxes, it’s elder fraud. According to the FBI, over $3 billion disappears annually from the accounts of older Americans, proving that not all disappearing acts happen on the magician’s stage. Scammers have turned targeting seniors into an art form, a not-so-funny comedy where the punchline is your compromised… Read More

Article | Tips & Tricks | February 7, 2024

9 Minute Read

Emergency Preparedness for Seniors

Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Heat waves. Ice storms. How would you deal with any one of the many situations that require an emergency response? In addition to a cool head and quick thinking, you’ll benefit from an emergency preparedness plan that covers before, during and after an emergency or natural disaster. Mobility impairment, medical conditions, cognitive difficulties… Read More

Article | Tips & Tricks | November 19, 2022

8 Minute Read

How Voice-Controlled Assistants Make Seniors’ Lives Better

Voice-Controlled Assistants: The Revolutionary Technology Improving Seniors’ Lives Throughout the last decade, advances in technology have made life easier for people of all ages. From helping adults and seniors manage medications to ordering groceries and tracking fitness and health goals, technology simplifies everyday tasks. But for older adults, technology can be intimidating, making them reluctant… Read More

Article | Tips & Tricks | October 6, 2022

5 Minute Read

5 Fraud Prevention Tips for Seniors

Older adults often fall prey to savvy criminals who build trust and confidence in schemes that involve romance, sweepstakes, tech support and government impersonations, among others. Each year, the senior population racks up more than $3 billion in losses, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).  How common is elderly fraud? An estimated 1… Read More