Health & Wellness

Article | Health & Wellness | March 6, 2024

8 Minute Read

10 Questions Older Adults Should Never Skip at Their Doctor’s Visit

As we get older, our health remains our most precious asset, especially as we approach retirement. Open and informative conversations with our health care providers become increasingly valuable in ensuring that we can live healthy lives filled with vitality and joy. By asking the right questions, we can better understand our health and act to… Read More

Article | Health & Wellness | February 28, 2024

10 Minute Read

Fall Prevention: 4 Fall Safety Tips Everyone Should Know

Staying active and independent is what we all want, at every age. But an injury from a fall can jeopardize our health and happiness. Every year, over 3 million older adults are treated in emergency departments for injuries because of a fall. Before it happens to you or your loved one, put fall prevention strategies… Read More

Article | Health & Wellness | January 17, 2024

10 Minute Read

Advanced Care Planning: Finding Clarity Before Crisis

For many of us, discussing our health is a touchy subject. And most of us don’t want to think about the possibility of a serious condition or illness occurring. That’s why only about a quarter of American adults have a plan for their future health care. Health care planning for the future is a journey… Read More

Article | Health & Wellness | November 16, 2022

6 Minute Read

Best Diet for Seniors with Diabetes

Managing Diabetes with Good Nutrition: The Best Diet for Seniors Diabetes is one of the most common chronic conditions affecting seniors and older adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about one in four adults 60 years and older have diabetes. Having the disease also increases the chances of developing serious complications. If… Read More

Article | Health & Wellness | October 31, 2022

7 Minute Read

Emotional Wellness Tips for Seniors

Thriving in Mind and Spirit: Essential Wellness Tips for Seniors What is emotional wellness? The terms emotional wellness, emotional well-being and emotional health refer to an awareness, understanding and acceptance of feelings, and the ability to deal with challenges and change. It includes how you feel about yourself, how you cope with stress and your… Read More

Article | Health & Wellness | October 26, 2022

9 Minute Read

10 Tips for Healthy Aging

Aging Gracefully: Top 10 Tips for Healthy and Vibrant Senior Years Learning to build and maintain healthy habits as you age is a lifelong journey, and it is an important goal to have at any age. For seniors, it is essential to manage health and wellness, as health concerns can happen more frequently as you… Read More