Senior putting on face cream and looking in a mirror

5 Tips For Healthier Skin

Weather changes throughout the year can be tough on our skin and seniors are more at risk to develop skin-related conditions like Eczema and Seborrheic dermatitis, both of which can cause itchy irritated skin.

Here are a few ways to help combat dry, irritated skin.

5 Winter Skin Care Tips for Seniors

1. Create a humid environment

Furnaces and other heating elements remove moisture from the air. Consider investing in a humidifier for your living spaces and bedroom to add humidity back into your environment. Always ensure to operate your humidifier according to the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid a malfunction.

2. Drink plenty of water

Drinking water comes more naturally in warm weather, but it’s easy to become dehydrated in the winter weather as well. Dehydration not only has an effect on your body but also your skin. A lack of hydration can lead to dryness, irritation and even saggy looking skin. Health experts generally recommend drinking 8 glasses of water every day to avoid the effects of dehydration.

3. Take shorter showers

A long, hot shower might sound like the perfect antidote to cooler weather, however it can severely dry out your skin. Try keeping your showers brief and only using lukewarm water which is gentler on older skin.

4. Use a moisturizer

A rich moisturizer for your face and body can help protect your skin during the winter months. Once the warmer months return you can switch to a lighter, less heavy moisturizer.

5. Use sunscreen

Sunscreen isn’t just for summer. In fact, the sun’s rays can reflect off of snow and ice and be amplified causing what’s called “snow burn”. It’s essential to wear sunscreen in the winter as well to protect against skin cancers like melanoma.