Senior crochetting

Showing Gratitude and Giving Back This Holiday Season

The importance of expressing gratitude has been known to help with a multitude of things in your life. Everything from your physical health, quality of sleep and even your mental health can be positively impacted by the practice of expressing gratitude. And while there are small ways of expressing gratitude, like keeping a gratitude journal, if you’re looking to do more for people this holiday season, here are a few ideas.

Give back to children

Many children go without each and every year, and this year, with the continued impact of COVID-19, even more children are impacted. There are many ways to give back. To help children suffering from hunger, you can donate funds to the many charities that help provide meals to minors.

Or you can try donating to a local food bank in your community. Many charities have Amazon wish lists that allow you to purchase items that go directly to the organization and those in need. It’s a safe and effective way to give back this holiday.

Give back to essential workers

2020 was a year to recognize the dedication of our essential workers. Firemen, police officers, hospital workers and more have all been working around the clock to keep everyone healthy and safe this year.

Send holiday cards or letters of gratitude to your local essential workers. Heartfelt thank yous like that can make all the difference in brightening someone’s day this time of year and year- round.

Give back to animals

Just like children, many animals and animal shelters are in constant need, even more so this holiday season. Donating old towels, blankets as well as treats, toys and food are always welcome at local animal rescue centers.

Use your talents

Perhaps you are an expert knitter. Or you have an artistic eye. Whatever your unique skill or talent is, put it to good use this holiday season. Make blankets for your local homeless shelter or create a homemade card to send to your local hospital workers. Any act, big or small can make a large impact.