Senior swimming in pool

4 Resolutions For The New Year

New Year, New You: 4 Resolutions to Embrace in the Coming Year

A new year is here and with it, the tradition of New Year’s resolutions. Even if you aren’t a person who makes New Year’s resolutions, the beginning of a new year is the perfect time to assess if there are any goals or lifestyle changes you’d like to make. Here are a few

Eat Healthier

For seniors, a specific diet centered around imperative nutrients is key to maintaining a healthy immune system and overall feeling of wellness.

  • Eat foods rich in fiber for a healthy digestive system
  • Eat more foods high in nutritional value (i.e. fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, low-fat dairy, etc.)
  • Limit your intake of process sugars, saturated and trans fats, and foods high in salt
  • Don’t overeat–as you age you typically require less calories
  • Avoid dehydration by drinking 8 glasses of water each day

Get More Active

Find ways to get more active this year. In fact, commit to getting in thirty minutes of physical activity each day. Here are some ways to incorporate more physical activity into your days:

  • Go for a brisk walk with a friend or your dog
  • Participate in a yoga class
  • Get the blood flowing with a swim
  • Play a round of golf
  • Take a dance class

Focus On Your Mental Health

After a year like 2020, taking time to focus on our mental health is more important than ever. Depression, anxiety and stress are very common among senior adults. Make sure to check in on yourself every so often to see where your mental health stands. Keep a journal to help clear your head. Listen to more music which has been shown to boost your mood. If you need to, talk to a mental health professional either in-person or via a telehealth session to address any concerns you may have.

Be Your Best Self

This could mean a variety of different things. It might mean getting more active or eating more fruits and vegetables. Or it might mean picking up a new hobby like painting or dancing. It could be starting to express more gratitude year round either privately with a gratitude journal or outwardly through phone calls or letters. It could even be attempting to learn a new skill or language. Whatever it is, there’s no better time than 2021 to be your best self.