Senior holding hot water bottle

Staying Warm This Fall: 6 Easy Tricks Instead of Blasting the Heat

Stay Cozy This Fall: 6 Simple Tricks to Keep Warm Without Blasting the Heat

Many people around the world celebrate the coming of fall and all its seasonal quirks, including crisp mornings and chilly nights. Older adults are sensitive to both heat and cold, so as the seasons start to change from summer to fall, seniors will need to find easy ways to stay comfortable and healthy. Since the afternoons can remain pretty temperate, it’s not quite time to turn on the heater, but it can be time to start introducing tricks to help regulate temperature. Here are six ways to add a little warmth to your body when needed:

Hot Water Bottle

The hot water bottle is an easy, inexpensive way to keep warm with countless ways to use it. Try it in bed to keep feet warm at night, on the lower back during the day or cuddle up to it in the morning. Hot water bottle owners like to make or buy soft covers for them, too.

Electric Blankets and Pads

Not all electric blankets and pads are created equal and safe. It’s important that seniors get electric blankets and pads that are new (older versions have fewer safety measures), have automatic shutoff functions and can be cleaned. Once you have your hands on a safe version, older adults can easily feel warm for hours without turning on the heat.

Hot Beverages

Drinking hot beverages like tea, coffee and lemon water can help seniors feel warm from the inside out. As a bonus, holding a hot mug also warms up your hands. Sipping hot broth can also do the trick — and adds nutritional value!

Hand and Feet Warmers

Disposable and reusable hand and feet warmers are game changers for seniors who have trouble with poor circulation. Activate hand warmers during walks outside when it’s chilly or feet warmers for your slippers while you’re watching a movie at home. The best thing about these is they’re portable and can easily fit in a purse or jacket.

Wool and Warmth Tech Fabrics

Certain fabrics conduct heat better than others, including wool and warmth tech fabrics that involve spandex or polyester. Try getting socks and jackets out of these fabrics to wear when you feel chilled. They will be sure to help seniors regulate their temperature better than others. 


Good old-fashioned exercise is proven to raise your heart rate, increase circulation and even cause a sweat. These things typically make you feel warmer, too. If you’re feeling chilly in the morning, try doing a few of your favorite exercises to get blood flowing and extremities warming.

There are many factors that contribute to the inability to regulate temperatures as we age, including thinner skin, slower metabolism, medical conditions, and medications. If you or your loved one experience signs of hyperthermia such as a body temperature below 95 degrees, shivering, sleepiness, and slurred speech, contact the doctor immediately.