Gratitude journal

Tis The Season To Give Thanks

Graditude in the Air: Celebrating the Season of Thanks

It’s that time of year when thankfulness and gratitude are top of mind. But what is gratitude and why is it so important? Read on to see why and learn ways of expressing gratitude each day.

What is Gratitude? 

Gratitude is a process of affirming good things that have happened to us or that we’ve received. It can also involve acknowledging the value that others add to our lives. 

Why Is Expressing Gratitude Important? 

Practicing expressing gratitude is important for a multitude of reasons. For one, it helps spread positive feelings. When you acknowledge things to be thankful for, you focus on the positive aspects of your life rather than the negative. This allows you to bring a more positive outlook to all your interactions which helps spread positivity. 

Expressing gratitude has been linked to improved health, strength when dealing with adversity, decreased stress and can even help you build stronger relationships with those around you. It has also been linked to deeper, higher-quality sleep. 

Ways To Express Gratitude

  • Try keeping a gratitude journal where you write down items you are thankful for each day. Keep the journal on your bedside table to remind yourself to complete each night before bed. This allows you to fall asleep in a positive mindset. Then in the morning, the sight of your gratitude journal will help you start your day thinking about thankfulness as well. 
  • Express gratitude for more than just things. Practice gratitude for people in your life as well. Maybe you have a good friend who never fails to check in on you. Perhaps you have a special connection with a particular caregiver. Or maybe you can express gratitude for a capability like being able to walk or engage in conversation with your friends and family. These little things all add to your quality of life and it’s important to acknowledge them. 
  • Give your gratitude a voice. Call a loved one or send them a card. Receiving gratitude from someone can change a person’s whole mindset so why keep all those positive feelings to yourself?

If the last year or so has taught us anything, it’s to be thankful for what we have. Incorporating some of these gratitude techniques into your daily routine can help you focus on the positive all year round.