Seniors packing a box

Planning a Move? Here’s What You Need To Know

The COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States and Canada during peak real estate season. And the fact of the matter is that nobody knows exactly what that means for the real estate industry at this point. But now that states and provinces are beginning to reopen and loosen restrictions, the real estate industry is adjusting how it operates.  

What Does This Mean For You? 

These are unprecedented times and it’s always good to have a plan. For seniors looking to sell their home and move into retirement living, the selling process might look a little different than in the past.  

Talk With A Residential Real Estate Professional  

Real estate professionals are your best bet for up-to-date information regarding the residential real estate industry. They’ll be able to answer questions like:  
•    Can you host open houses? 
•    What COVID-19 safety precautions will be taken?  
•    Should you live somewhere else during the selling process? 

Plan Ahead  

Many people often wait to put together a plan. In those situations, the decision can be rushed causing undue stress on everyone involved. Taking the time to research gives you and your loved one the time to think about the best option. It always helps to have visited potential communities. It gives you or your loved one the opportunity to get a feel for the community, its residents and its staff.  
We allow a trial period to allow prospective residents to experience our communities. These trials can be particularly useful in helping residents decide on where to move. They can also be beneficial during the selling period. Given health concerns surrounding COVID-19, temporarily moving into one of our communities could help ease the stresses surrounding the selling process as well. 
Most seniors have long term plans of making that transition from their home to a senior living community. It might seem like a long way off, but having a thought-through timeline never hurts. The downsizing process takes time and shouldn’t be rushed. Bring family together to help sift through memories and years of collected belongings so that when the time comes to make the transition, you and your loved ones are prepared.