Group of friends standing around a senior playing piano

Staying Social During A Global Pandemic

Staying connected and feeling socially engaged becomes more important as we grow older, and not just for mental health reasons. Isolation can be a serious health risk for older adults. Studies show that people who don’t maintain social connections with their family and friends may experience greater numbers of chronic health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. 

Staying socially connected and feeling like you are a part of a community can be harder for older adults during times like what we are currently experiencing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Since elderly adults fall into the high-risk individuals when it comes to the effects of COVID-19, keeping them socially distant from others is important. But this comes with isolation and the effects that can have on their emotional wellbeing and mental health. This makes a senior living community a perfect solution for older adults. 

Studies show that seniors spending time together enjoying their free time with friends and enjoying fellowship can help prevent from the loss of cognitive abilities later in life and keeps them living longer. Senior living communities offer the opportunity for seniors to explore new hobbies and learn new pastimes. It gives them time to explore volunteering for charitable causes they believe in.

In a community, older adults can explore activities like: 

Cards and board games with their peers  

Dancing, exercising and other physical activities that keep them active and engaged 

Enjoying music and singing as part of a group 

Discussing current events and politics with their friends and peers 

Doing all of these activities can help keep neurons firing and minds engaged. Both with the activities themselves but also with the social aspect. Our senior living community is strictly following all safety guidelines in regards to Covid-19 to ensure that social activities can still be enjoyed in a safe and healthy environment.