Senior laughing and drinking coffee on porch

6 Things To Look For When Moving To A Senior Living Community

If you think it might be time for you or a loved one to transition to a senior living community or assisted living community, there are many factors that you should take into account. Always visit a potential community in person to get a better understanding of the environment. Just like buying a house, you wouldn’t purchase without visiting in person first.


Staying active as you age is vitally important to your health and overall wellbeing. Find a community that has a variety of activities and experiences to offer. Ask about seeing an activity calendar. Find a facility that has fitness activities onsite, has planned offsite activities and holds special events for residents.


Location is always important. You want your senior living community to be located in proximity to activities and entertainment you enjoy. In addition, depending on your medical needs, ensuring you’re in good proximity to medical services is key. Being close to family and friends may be another important factor to help maintain regular socializing.

Levels of Service

One important factor for you or your loved one when deciding which senior living community is the right one, is the levels of care they offer. While it can seem daunting to think that far in advance, it can have enormous payoffs down the road. Finding a community that offers advanced care or assisted living services should you need them in the future can be beneficial in the long run.

Quality Staff

Staff, whether that be administrative or medical staff onsite, should be friendly, knowledgeable and available. If when you visit a community, the staff seem stressed or overworked, it might not be the right fit for you or your loved one. The staff should always be adding to the community atmosphere in a positive way, not detracting from it.

Other Offerings

When looking for the perfect community, it’s important to assess what other services or benefits are included with your monthly dues. Find a community that offers transportation services and assistance with medical appointments. Choose a community that provides home cooked meals focused on your health.

First Impressions

At the end of the day, when you visit a senior living community, it’s always best to follow your gut. If you enjoy the staff, if residents seem happy, if the environment is warm and friendly… It might just be the perfect community for you!