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Raising Awareness for Alzheimer’s and How to Detect It

Sep 21, 2021|Assisted Living

X-ray of brain

Understanding Alzheimer’s: Detecting the Signs and Raising Awareness

Every September, the world comes together to raise awareness and challenge the stigma that persists around dementia and its most common form: Alzheimer’s. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 6 million people are living with the disease in the U.S. and over 500,000 in Canada. Alzheimer’s is a degenerative brain disease with its causes not fully known, affecting memory, thinking and behavior. 

2021 Alzheimer's disease facts and figures infographic chart

Early Signs

There are six main early signs of Alzheimer’s disease to be aware of. If you or a loved one are experiencing any of these symptoms, please discuss them with a medical professional. Eventually, symptoms grow severe enough to interfere with daily tasks. 

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